- Pharmacognosy and pharmacognistic investigations
- Research based ethnopharmacological evaluations
- Biological evaluation of crude extracts, essential oils and pure isolates
- Natural product discovery and evaluation
- Mechanistic studies
- Method and technique development and evaluation
- Isolation, identification and structural elucidation of natural products
- Synthesis and transformation studies
Subjects Covered : Natural Products, Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Marine Pharmacognosy and Zoo Pharmacognosy
ISSN :2249-0159 (Print) ; 2249-0167 (Online) Frequency : Quarterly Rapid at a time publication (4 issues/year)
Indexed and Abstracted in : Chemical Abstracts, Excerpta Medica / EMBASE, Google Scholar, CABI Full Text, Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, ProQuest, Journalseek & Genamics, PhcogBase, EBSCOHost, Academic Search Complete, Open J-Gate, SciACCESS.
Rapid publication: Average time from submission to first decision is 30 days and from acceptance to In Press online publication is 45 days.
Open Access Journal: Phcog Commn. is an open access journal, which allows authors to fund their article to be open access from publication.