Dear Readers and Authors,
I am pleased to bring you Volume 15, Issue 1 of Pharmacognosy Communications. In this issue, we present a study which evaluates the effects of postharvest treatment on the antioxidant properties of Hylocereus spp. (white and red dragon fruit). We also present an evaluation of the antibacterial activity of Eucalyptus major (Maiden) Blakely extracts against some axillary and foot odor producing bacteria. Additionally, we present a study reporting the immunomodulatory activity of Lythrum salicaria L. (commonly known as purple loosestrife) extracts by evaluating their effects on the release of some proinflammatory cytokines. Finally, this issue also presents a review of the potential of some South African plants for the treatment of bacterial-induced gastrointestinal diseases. That study examines the ethnobotanical knowledge and traditional uses of the plants, as well as the previous research into their antibacterial activities.