Author: wadmin2

Boyer Ha,b and Cock I E a,c*aEnvironmental Futures Centre, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia.bEcole SupĂ©rieure d’IngĂ©nieurs en DĂ©veloppement Agroalimentaire IntĂ©grĂ©, UniversitĂ© de la RĂ©union, Parc Technologique, 2 rue Joseph Wetzell, 27490 Sainte Clotilde, Ile de La RĂ©union.cBiomolecular and Physical Sciences, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,3,53-62.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.3.10Published:August 2013Type:Research Letter ABSTRACT Background: Macadamia integriflora (family Proteaceae) is an endemic Australian plant traditionally used by Australian Aborigines as a food. Its nuts are known to keep well, raising the possibility that they may contain antimicrobial compounds and therefore may have…

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Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,3,63.DOI:NillPublished:August 2013Type:Medicinal plant images ABSTRACT Plumbago auriculata is a Southern African shrub which grows up to 2 metres in height. This plant was used by in a variety of ethnobotanical systems in Southern Africa and is common known as syselbos (Afrikaans), umabophe (Xhosa) and utshilitshili (Zulu). The dried and powdered leaves and roots were inhaled to treat headaches.[1] The plant was also used for the removal of warts and for treating fractures.[1] Phytochemical studies have identified the naphthoquinone as a major component which may be responsible. Read more… Download PDF

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SUMATI SETHI Ex-Professor and Head of the Department, Pharmacognosy department, Faculty of pharmacy, RV Northland Institute, Chithera, Dadri, Greater Noida, U.P. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,3,64-65.DOI:NillPublished:August 2013Type:The Janus Corner ABSTRACT This occasional section within the journal surveys visions and achievements, often not on the main track of the developing biomedical sciences, but all relating to discoveries and developments of medicinals – both ancient and modern. What they have in common, in one way or another, is providing further background and glances around the edges of the core discipline of pharmacognosy, as it has been and continues to evolve within our times. Read more……

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Cock IEa,b*Editor-In-ChiefaEnvironmental Futures Centre, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, AustraliabBiomolecular and Physical Sciences, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,2,1.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.2.1Published on:25th Mar 2013Type:Editorial ABSTRACT Volume 3, issue 2 completes the second year of publication for Pharmacognosy Communications. We are now well on our way to receiving a Thomson and Reuters impact factor following the completion of our first 3 years and are confident of receiving a credible first rating. Our manuscription submission numbers continue to increase with every issue and we aim to continue to publish interesting,…

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Mahsa Dehghania,b and Kamal Ahmadia*aDepartment of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.bMember of Young Researchers Society, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,2,2-5.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.2.2Published on:25th Mar 2013Type:Research Article ABSTRACT Introduction: The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), is an important cosmopolitan pest of many crops. Methods: The present study investigated the repellent and antioviposition activities of plant products from Achillea millefolium and Thymus vulgaris against this pest in greenhouse conditions. Cucumber plants were sprayed with the chemicals at 40 ÎŒl/ml concentration and control plants were treated with distilled water. Also, the essential…

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Ahir KB1*, Patel BG2, Patel SB1 and Mehta FA11Indukaka Ipcowala College of Pharmacy, New Vallbhvidyanagar, Anand (Guajrat) 388121, INDIA.2A. R. College of Pharmacy and G. H. Patel Institute of Pharmacy, Vallbhvidyanagar, Anand (Gujarat) 388120, INDIA. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,2,6-11.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.2.3Published:March 2013Type:Research Article ABSTRACT Background: Fruits of Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae) are used in traditional medicine for a number of ailments including metabolic disorders. Objectives: The ethanolic extract of fruits of Solanum nigrum L. (SNE) was investigated to evaluate the effects of on blood glucose concentration, lipid profile and renal function tests and their possible mechanism of action involved in these activities. Materials and…

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Ibegbulem CO1 and Chikezie PC21Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria.2Department of Biochemistry, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,2,12-16.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.2.4Published:March 2013Type:Research Article ABSTRACT Background: Plants offer a wide range of natural compounds of medicinal values to humans and domestic animals. Objective: The ethanolic extracts of Gongronema latifolium, Aloe perryi, Viscum album (leaves) and Allium sativum (bulb) were investigated for their phytochemical/biochemical constituents and hypoglycemic properties. Materials and Methods: Hypoglycemia was induced in rats by a single dose (140 mg/kg) of intra-peritoneal injection of alloxan monohydrate in citrate buffer (pH 4.5). Suspensions of the ethanolic extracts were administered by…

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Arrar Lekhmici1*, Diafet Abdelwahab2, Charef Noureddine1, Khennouf Seddik3,and Baghiani Abderrahmane11Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Nature and Life Science, University Ferhat Abbas, Setif, Algeria.2Department of Biology, University Bachir El Ibrahimi, Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria.3Laboratory of Phytotherapy applied to Chronic diseases, Faculty of Nature and Life Science, University Ferhat Abbas, Setif, Algeria. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,2,17-23.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.2.5Published:March 2013Type:Research Article ABSTRACT Introduction: The medicinal plants are widely used around the world. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects 1% of the adult population, and has a significant impact on physical functioning and social life. In rats, induction of arthritis by collagen II causes alterations of synovial joints similar…

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Ashrafju Mahla1,2, Ahmadi Kamal1*, Purhemati Amin1,2 and Moshrefi Mandana1,21Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.2Member of Young Researchers Society, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,2,24-27.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.2.6Published:March 2013Type:Research Article ABSTRACT Background: Two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), is one of the most destructive cosmopolitan pests of many plant families. This pest has shown resistance to many synthetic acaricides applied in the field and glasshouse. Consequently, increased global efforts have been undertaken to develop other methods of pest control such as botanical insecticides. Methods: The effects of ethanol (95%) and ethanolic…

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Djidel Saliha1, Khennouf Seddik1*, Ameni Djamila2, Baghiani Abdrrahmane2, Arrar Lekhmici2 and Charef Noureddine21Laboratory of phytotherapy applied to chronic diseases, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, University Ferhat Abbas, SĂ©tif 1,SĂ©tif 19000, ALGERIA.2Laboratory of applied biochemistry, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, University Ferhat Abbas, SĂ©tif1, SĂ©tif 19000, ALGERIA. Pharmacognosy Communications,2013,3,2,28-34.DOI:10.5530/pc.2013.2.7Published:March 2013Type:Research Article ABSTRACT Introduction: Pistacia lentiscus L. (Anacardiaceae) is used traditionally in Algeria for gastro-intestinal disorders. In the present study, different antioxidant tests were employed to evaluate the antioxidant activities of crude chloroform, ethyl acetate and aqueous leaf extracts of this plant. Methods: The antioxidant capacity of extracts were determined…

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