Mohamad Hesam Shahrajabian1, Wenli Sun1, Qi Cheng1,2,*
1Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, CHINA.
2College of Life Sciences, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, Hebei, China; Global Alliance of HeBAU-CLS&HeQiS for BioAl-Manufacturing, Baoding, Hebei, CHINA.
Pharmacognosy Communications,2021,11,1,9-12.
Published: January 2021
Type: Review Article
Introduction: This edible vegetable has been used as food and traditional herbal medicine in different countries. Most population of the world, especially in developing countries relies on traditional medicine. Methods: They keywords of leek, traditional Medicine, health Benefits and A. ampeloprasum, western medicine and pharmaceutical science were searched in Google Scholar, Scopus, Research Gate and PubMed. Results: Allium ampeloprasum is considered a rich source of secondary metabolites, including phenolic acids and their derivatives, flavonoids (flavan, flavanone, flavones, flavonol, dihydroflavonol, flavan-3-ol, flavan-4-ol and flavan-3,4- diol) and flavonoid polymers (proanthocyanidins or condensed tannins). The most important flavonoid aglycone in leek is kaempferol. The total polyphenol, flavonoids and tannin contents and antioxidants activities were strongly influenced by the environmental conditions. The most important health benefits are anti-asthma, antiseptic, diuretic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal and it is good to protect skin against damage and decreasing risk of gastrointestinal diseases. Conclusion: Leek is one important vegetable which can promote good health and serves as a primary defense mechanism against diseases.
Key words: Leek, Traditional Medicine, Health Benefits, A. ampeloprasum.