Antimicrobial Activity of Acacia disparrima Benth. and Acacia leiocalyx Pedley Leaf Extracts in Combination with Antibiotics against Bacterial Triggers of Selected Autoimmune Diseases
Ruxin Guo1, Xin Yang1, Ian Edwin Cock1,2,* 1School of Environment and Science, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, Queensland, AUSTRALIA ...

Therapeutic Potential of Arctium lappa L. Root Extracts to Inhibit Gastrointestinal Bacterial Pathogens and Treat Gastrointestinal Disease
Cheng Mingji1, Ian Edwin Cock1,2,* 1School of Environment and Science, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. 2Centre for Planetary Health ...

Tasmannia lanceolata (Poir.) A.C.Sm. Berry and Leaf Extracts Inhibit Proliferation and Induce Apoptosis in Selected Human Carcinoma Cell Lines
Joseph Shalom1,2, Ian Edwin Cock1,2,* 1Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Rd, Nathan, ...

Bioactive Compounds in Aqueous Extract of Pilis, A Forehead Transdermal Herbal Medicine
Kris Herawan Timotius1,2,*, Susana Elya Sudrajat2,3, Ika Rahayu1,2 1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Kristen Krida ...

The Janus Corner
Ian E Cock1,2,* 1School of Environment and Science, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, AUSTRALIA. 2Centre for Planetary Health and ...

Medicinal Plant Images
Ian Edwin Cock1,2,* 1School of Environment and Science, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA. 2Centre for Planetary Health and Food ...

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